There are limited rules and regulations surrounding e-scooters in Victoria and what happens if you as a rider or pedestrian are ever in an accident involving an e-scooter, which results in injury. In this blog, we explore the compensation options available to people injured in an accident involving an electric scooter.
Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs) are a crucial component of both the WorkCover and TAC compensation schemes in Victoria. They are conducted by independent medical professionals to assess a worker's injury or illness and determine their work capacity.
If you are a pedestrian who has been injured after being hit by a motor vehicle, you may have an entitlement to a TAC compensation claim. Your injuries may have been caused by a car, bus, train, tram or a motorcycle.
If you’re injured in a transport accident in Victoria and that accident was not your fault, and you have permanent injuries, you have the right to pursue a claim with the TAC for pain and suffering and economic loss compensation.
If you've been impacted by witnessing a transport accident or witnessing a loved one seriously injured following an accident, you may be entitled to seek TAC compensation for the psychological injuries you developed. This is called a nervous shock claim.
If you’ve been injured as a result of a work-related motor vehicle accident, it’s important that you seek legal advice. This is because these types of claims can be complex as you are potentially entitled to both WorkCover no-fault benefits and TAC common law entitlements.
In addition to any WorkCover or TAC entitlements an injured person may have, they may also be able to claim a TPD lump sum payout if their injuries caused them to stop working.
Losing a loved one is a traumatic time in a person’s life. In addition to the grief and loss, there are often financial and practical challenges to consider. If you lose a loved one in a motor vehicle accident, the TAC has several benefits that surviving partners, child dependents and guardians can access.
A common question we hear is whether TAC compensation is available to drivers who were at fault in an accident. The short answer is that drivers who were at fault in a road accident can be entitled to TAC compensation for their injuries, however, there are some exceptions and some limitations on the compensation available.
If you’re injured while using public transport in Victoria, you may be eligible for TAC transport accident compensation and other benefits, depending on the circumstances of the accident.
Our helpful guide with tips and insights about what you can expect when your personal injury claim is disputed and you end up in court, and how best to prepare yourself.