Terminal Illness and Death Benefits

Many superannuation funds have terminal illness and death benefit policies attached to them.

This is in addition to the more commonly know total and permanent disability (TPD) and income protection insurance options.

What is terminal illness insurance?

The terminal illness benefit is an early payment (paid before death) of your total and permanent disability (TPD) benefit if your doctors are of the opinion that you have less than 24 months to live.

At Guardian Injury Law, we are experienced in lodging these claims as swiftly as possible to ensure that your benefits are paid in a timely manner.

What is a death benefit?

Death benefits are the payment of an insured amount, along with the balance of your super fund, to your nominated beneficiary.

How can Guardian Injury Law help?

In the event of becoming terminally ill, it is important to seek advice from Guardian Injury Law to determine whether or not you should access your super benefits as a terminal illness payment or alternatively, for your beneficiary to make that claim after death, as a death benefit. 

As claims like this are often time critical, seeking advice and assistance early, is crucial.

Contact Guardian Injury Law

1300 700 761 enquiries@guardianinjurylaw.com.au

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