Super & Insurance

If you have sustained an injury or have an illness that is preventing you from going back to work, you may have an entitlement to the insurance benefits attached to your super fund. Some people may also hold these insurance options outside their super.

These benefits are known as:

  1. total permanent disability (TPD);
  2. income protection (IP) benefits; and
  3. terminal illness and death benefits.

TPD, terminal illness and death benefits are paid as a lump sum, while income protection is paid like wages, usually as a monthly payment.

Most Australian workers will have some level of TPD insurance, terminal illness and death benefits and some, (not as many as those who have TPD), will also have income protection insurance.

In many circumstances, people are not aware that they hold this insurance or precisely what it’s for. Claiming these benefits can be life-changing in times of financial and physical distress.

It’s also important for dependants of someone who dies, to investigate whether or not that person had life insurance (either in their super fund or otherwise), so that they can make a claim on that insurance.

Call for free advice about your disability insurance entitlements: 1300 700 761

How can Guardian Injury Law help?

At Guardian Injury Law, we pride ourselves in assisting our clients access all the benefits they are entitled to.

We also assist with rejected or denied claims. It’s crucial to seek legal advice if your claim is denied. Do not simply accept the decision of the insurer.

Contact Guardian Injury Law

1300 700 761 [email protected]

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